The Rangers

Welcome to The Rangers Camp

We are an active group of people from every class, color, country, race and tribe.

We are intellectuals, students, teachers, social activists, political activists, engineers, doctors, business people, vendors, public servants and other people.

Our Creed is to live and die in worship and servitude only to the Creator of everything.

Rangers are Camp comrades of four ranks; Emir, Faris, Hashem and Ahdath.

We are The Rangers. We are around You. We are with You. We are You.

Our Mission is to revive the correct way of life.

We intellectually challenge injustice and oppression,

expose the hypocrisy of the tyrants and their minion supporters,

call people towards the truth and reality of man, life and the universe,

remind the people about their true identity, and refute false identities,

and work as a community to re-establish truth and goodness.

Our Vision is to improve the status of our community.

We culture people to become Rangers and to increase in rank,

educate people via posts addressing ideologies and daily affairs,

suggest some online courses for additional or advanced learning,

support our camp members in their businesses and freelances,

and strive as individuals and as a community towards improvement.

Our Works are as follows:

We conduct online events for global awareness,

market Our products and affiliated products in Our store,

tutor some courses and promote affiliated courses,

promote the businesses and freelances of Our camp comrades,

and upload contents on Our social media accounts, pages and channels.

Read our projects to know more about Us

Our Projects

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© The Rangers Camp.  All rights reserved.